ECE490: Introduction to Optimization (Spring 2024)
Course Information
TA's Office Hours: Yichi Zhang, Wed 2-3pm, ECEB 2036; Ian George, Mon 9-10am, ECEB 2036
Course Description
This is a senior/first year graduate-level course on optimization. Topics include necessary and sufficient conditions for local optima;
characterization of convex sets and functions; unconstrained optimization, gradient descent and it variants;
constrained optimization and the gradient projection method; optimization with equality and inequality constraints, Lagrange multipliers, KKT conditions;
penalty and barrier function methods; weak and strong duality and Slater conditions;
augmented Lagrangian methods; sub-gradient methods; proximal gradient descent; applications.
The recommended textbook is Nonlinear Programming by D. Bertsekas (Edition 3). We will closely follow the lecture notes.
Grades for the students in Section P4 (4 credits) will be weighted as follows: Class Participation (4%), Quiz
(40%), Midterm Exam (36%), and Final Project (20%).
Final Project : The students in Section P4 (4 credits) are required to work on a final project. The task is to read and write a report on two algorithms: Nestorov's accelerated gradient method and Mirror descent. The TAs and the instructor will not provide help on the project. You have to find appropriate sources on the Internet and write a report, providing precise proofs of convergence. You have to cite the resources used. You can use ChatGPT to find resources or learn about the material but you will be responsible for any errors produced by ChatGPT. The report has to be typewritten by you, it should not be more than 10 pages long and must be in 11 pt font or bigger. Due: May 8 midnight